Tuesday 30 August 2011

OMG - we are so full !

Had a very pleasant shop at the outlet store.

Nancy spending her last fifty dollars (again!) on a Juicy t-shirt, Jess going from a size large skirt to an XS size after Mark and I suggested what she had bought looked a bit big !!

Iona bought some tops and Adam bought 4 Starbucks.

Mark and I are returning our stuff tomorrow !

We then stopped at Golden corral and oh dear we ate and ate, Adam thought he was at The Windjammer all over again .....

The children looked like the chocolate fountain by the time they had finished, I must have eaten half a cow in freshly cooked steaks and Markie, well he was full after 4 starters and 3 mains and a few puddings !!

We have now found vouchers for said eatery but we are running out of days !!

Off to Discovery Cove tomorrow, as you may know this was our holiday treat last year, the Bahamas cruise being this year's treat.

However, when we bought the combination ticket for Seaworld, Busch Gardens and Aquatica ....... to add Discovery cove was only a little extra, it seemed too good a bargain to miss......

Those of you who know me will understand !!!

Anyway another treat for us all, god we are going to come down with a big bump next week.....

We will update tomorrow night !

ET x

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Lush ...

Peanut butter and maple syrup pancakes for lunch !

Markie really is the best x

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I win!

I forgot to write a very important speech! Wait for it . . .

I beat Iona at tennis 2 love! I was 1 point away from beating Emma! Emma was pretty rubbish compared to what she normally is!!! We are at home today, swimming, eating, and relaxing! Tomorrow we are swimming with dolphins! It is going to be such fun!
Miss you all
Love from Jessica xxx
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hey everyone 

today we are having a lovely lazy day today just sitting out by the pool 

how is jenny denise ?? hope she's okay 

miss and love you all 

from nancy x 


HI.:) it's iona.
today we're having a lazy day! woke up at around 10 :)
might go to cici's for lunch. PIZZA BUFFET:D lol and the brownies are delicious.Hahaa.
Swimming with dolphins tomorrow! :D can't wait!!!!! :D:D:D:D:D
the weather is lovely here, and thankfully no more burning! :S
yesterday we went to islands of adventure and universal for the last time./: but it was really fun and Adam and I are now MIBA's ;) (men in black addicts)LOL we went on the ride loads! and we even made some friends lol:p
hope you're all having fun!
iona xx

Lovely !

Just sitting by the pool, Mark has allowed us a relaxing morning with no cries of 'you have 5 minutes and then we are leaving' .......

We have a morning off to relax by the pool and eat my peanut butter on toast without rushing.

Hard work this 'holiday milarky'........ you know !

Jess is swimming underwater and the other 3 have yet to show their faces although Adam has emailed me from his bed ....... Kids today eh ?

If you are struggling to add a comment as I hear some people are, please scroll down the list when it come to choosing who the sender is and either send as ANON or name/URL and enter your name.

You can always send a post by sending a comment via an email to Iona.turner.Florida@blogger.com

We would love to hear from you ......

ET x

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10 am - Sitting by pool having breakfast. Jess and Emma here the rest still in bed. Lazy day here this morning then shopping this afternoon. We found some more designer outlet stores on our way to St Augustine so thought we'd better try them out !!!

Went to the Rain Forrest Cafe yesterday night for Jess ' birthday tea.

Adam wants to go to Ci Ci's for lunch - eat all you want Italian. He is obsessed with the pasta and sauce.....


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