Saturday 3 September 2011

At airport...

Suitcases checked in - one piece of hand luggage each !!!

At the airport !

Well the time has come to leave Orlando. We have had a great time as I think you probably have already realised. So many adventures, so many laughs and so many horrible photos of me !

The children have been amazing company, we will miss them next week !

Markie has been incredible, looking after us and teasing us all endlessly .... He has done all the driving and cooking.....

Sadly we have to go back to work to earn the pennies for the next jaunt .... Life goes back to normal.

Thank you Markie, Adam, Iona, Nancy and Jess... I have has a blast x


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Hey everyone
we have had a busy day packing to go back home we have double checked all the rooms And cleaned everywhere

We have Ll had an amazing holiday thank you mark and mum for booking it for us

Love Nancy xx

Ps see you in England

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Nearly over!!:(

Just finishing cleaning the house, bags are in the car! Very upset to be leaving the sun:( had a lovely holiday! Thank you everyone;) especially mummy and Markie:) xx BYE! SEE YOUU WHEN WE LAND! xx
Iona x

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Thank you all for a lovely holiday it was so much fun. Especially the cruise which I loved!!
I also really enjoyed discovery cove and swimming with the dolphins .
I can't believe how fast the holiday has gone we will soon be back at school:(

See u all soon

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Thank you...

Everyone for a fabulous 3 weeks - it has been a great holiday and I will miss you all awfully when we get home M x

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Hello everybody,
I am so sad that we are going home today but I'm looking forward to seeing everyone. The holiday has been amazing with all the cool things we have done!!! Today we are going to play tennis, and it is my last chance to beat Emma! I really hope I beet Iona again! I am now going swimming with Emma as Iona and Nancy are still sleeping! My best two things we did in florida are swimming with dolphins and stingrays, that was fabulous! And - I loved the cruise! I bet you all forgot about that! I loved all the shows that we saw, and going to the Bahamas and coco cay! Overall I have loved the holiday and I give it 1 million out of ten!!!
See you all soon!
Love from Jessica xxxxxxxxx

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