Thursday, 18 August 2011

Today . . .

We went to universal today and we went on the simpson ride it was brilliant it was a simulator! We also went on a roller coaster were you got to pick your own music also it went strait up and them strait down again!
Love Jessica xxx

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every day for about 1/2 hours. one day we get stuck in gift kiosk and the kids entertain themselves by reading all the names of the key rings and deciding how many people they know with each name; next day we get stuck in KFC and entertain ourselves by watching the KFC sign blow down the 192....... and today it chucks in down whilst are in Cracker Barrel so we eat and watch the lightning strikes.....

Cracker Barrel...

for Nancy's birthday tea - meat loaf, green beans and corn - yummy. Mx

here she comes....

are the children on that one..?

maybe the kids are on this one?

landscape view...

can you spot the kids ?

Universal photos...

the gang at play time.....

Thursday - Universal Studios


Had a good morning although it was hot and I think we all now need a lay in !

The children went on two rides in particular which it is probably best you all don't know too much about !

We then all went on several more 'family friendly' ones. Now back home for a swim and a jacuzzi before heading out for Nancy's birthday tea. I think we are going to cracker barrel which is a family 'country' restaurant so a nice meat and veg dinner !

Off to Port Canaveral in the morning to board Monarch of the Seas for our 3 day cruise. We will be 'off line' for a few days but don't forget us !

ET x

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Nancy's birthday....

Happy Birthday Nancy!!! :)

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Happy Birthday Nancy x

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Wakey wakey birthday girl...