Wednesday, 24 August 2011

And another

And another one...!

New T-shirt

Does my bum look big in this?

Dads new shirt from Hollister

Oh yes....

Adam got some A & F aftershare but unless you have smelly vision you wouldn't have noticed that... :)

Off to all you can eat pizza soon - starving haven't eaten all day too busy shopping x

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Tee shirt for Nancy

Dress with cardigan ...

Summer dress

Another top for the Adster...

Another new top for jess

Surfing top from hollister...

Jess another top - notice the new hair cut as well

Jess - new top !

Nancy new top, tee shirt and jeans

Adam - new top and shorts

Oie's been shopping :)

Trip to Florida Mall

Starbucks !

New hair cut


Not sure what the plan for today is yet as only Mark and I are up. Maybe, A touch of shopping this morning at the Mall and then finish off with the Shamu show at Seaworld later.

No sign of Irene here although we do have a day on the coast planned as Jess wants to go to the beach as her mummy told her that the beaches were nice !

We may have to delay that until the storm passes Florida as we are combining it with a visit to St Augustine and the Daytona Speedway track. All on the East coast !

Hope all is well, as for Norwich well, we must be keeping ourselves for Chelsea !

ET x

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Hurricane report.....

Beautiful morning hear in Florida. Sun is out sky is blue and there is absolute no wind ..... !!

It is about 9.30. I'm in pool doing my emails, Emma is beside pool doing her emails and the kids are all still in bed - the younger generation have no stamina.

Not sure what we are doing today - maybe Florida Mall and then Seaworld. Yesterday we spent all day at Islands of Adventure and Universal. They kicked us out at about 7.30 but not before we had managed to sneak rides on Jaws, Men in Black and Krustyland whilst there was zero queues... Had a nice meal at Hard Rock Cafe for Iona's birthday. Played cards in evening kids are improving. Might have to start putting the stakes up - Emma and I are running out of money and the kids have loads left !! :)

Bye bye for now.

M x

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