Monday 22 August 2011


We have just got back from the cruise and Emma is already started washing again! As soon as we stepped in the house Emma said " has any one got any washing"! We had great fun and enjoyed all the shows!

The first day we went in the pool and we played in a games room while the adults went to explore!

The second day we went snorkelling at the Bahamas and the water was so clear! We all looked very silly in our flippers and googles!!! Then we went back on the cruise! We had the posh evening that night as well!

Finally the third day! We got up and went on co co cay witch is a private island! first we swam in the sea and we saw stingrays! Then we went kayaking I was with daddy and it really hurt our back and arms! Then we went on a big slide that slid really fast! After that we went on a water aqua park that was in the sea!!! There were lots of different things like . . .
A sea sore, a trampoline, a climbing wall and a slide that ended up in the sea! Then we went back on the cruise and it sailed back to America!

We had so much fun on the cruise but we still aren't half way through the holiday get!

It is Iona's birthday tomorrow and we are going to universal! We might go to the shopping mall today!

Love Jessica x

Sent from my iPad


  1. Wow sounds like you all had a fantastic time - you are very lucky children!! Great to have the blog back up and running! Look forward to seeing all the photos xx

  2. Well done Jess, I think you will have to be a journalist, you are writing some good stuff, pleased to hear you all had a lovely cruise, looking forward to seeing some pictures, sounds like the Windjammer was popular, did Adam enjoy that, tell him to get cracking and write something. We are just home from the caravan today, raining over here. Love you all.
