Monday 15 August 2011

Markie's birthday !

Wrong day, should have been tomorrow but hey he was so excited... He couldn't wait !!!

Played tennis this morning, the Acle 1979 junior tennis champion was on form but the sun was in her eyes so she lost more games than she won.

To cool off we headed for Aquatica. Which actually made us hotter ! - good fun until we went on the single rider which makes you come down the slide backwards VERY FAST - the children forgot to mention this to me knowing that I will never travel facing backwards.

A litte shop at the outlet on the way home where poor Adam patiently waited for 150 dollars to be spent on Calvin klein underwear by the Turner girls !

Now home for a rest before dolling ourselves to go out for Markie's birthday tea !

Emma x

1 comment:

  1. looks like you have one extra child! hope we won't be bringing all birthdays forward as they are in my calendar Happy Birthday Mark : )
    Oh Emma I feel sick thinking about going backwards it must be an Aquarian thing !!!!
