Wednesday 17 August 2011


We are now back from tennis and i played 7 games and lost 7 games! I am so rubbish!!! I have just been in the swimming pool again and I was the only one! Now having chicken for tea. It is Nancy's birthday tomorrow and we are going to universal.
Love from Jessica xxx

Sent from my iPad


  1. Nevermind Jess - you can't be good at everything! Enjoy Universal and hope Nancy enjoys her birthday! xxx

  2. Not to worry Jess, it's not the winning but the taken part, and enjoying the games, the more you play the better you will get.

  3. Jess, remember Adam, Iona and Nancy have all had tennis coaching as I did when I was young. You are playing so much better and with more practice you could be really good honey. You love playing tennis, I will practice with you over the next few weeks x x
