Tuesday, 30 August 2011

Lovely !

Just sitting by the pool, Mark has allowed us a relaxing morning with no cries of 'you have 5 minutes and then we are leaving' .......

We have a morning off to relax by the pool and eat my peanut butter on toast without rushing.

Hard work this 'holiday milarky'........ you know !

Jess is swimming underwater and the other 3 have yet to show their faces although Adam has emailed me from his bed ....... Kids today eh ?

If you are struggling to add a comment as I hear some people are, please scroll down the list when it come to choosing who the sender is and either send as ANON or name/URL and enter your name.

You can always send a post by sending a comment via an email to Iona.turner.Florida@blogger.com

We would love to hear from you ......

ET x

Sent from my iPad


  1. Peanut butter on toast! Should Mark not be making you breakfast!!!! You are on holiday after all. Fresh fruit salad, greek yoghurt, scrambled eggs, smoked salmon and a nice cup of coffee! And if there is any left I know a couple of 4 legged girlies that like a nice breakfast!

  2. Oh god, suddenly realised I should be working, oops sorry boss!

  3. Denise stop giving her ideas......
