Tuesday, 30 August 2011

OMG - we are so full !

Had a very pleasant shop at the outlet store.

Nancy spending her last fifty dollars (again!) on a Juicy t-shirt, Jess going from a size large skirt to an XS size after Mark and I suggested what she had bought looked a bit big !!

Iona bought some tops and Adam bought 4 Starbucks.

Mark and I are returning our stuff tomorrow !

We then stopped at Golden corral and oh dear we ate and ate, Adam thought he was at The Windjammer all over again .....

The children looked like the chocolate fountain by the time they had finished, I must have eaten half a cow in freshly cooked steaks and Markie, well he was full after 4 starters and 3 mains and a few puddings !!

We have now found vouchers for said eatery but we are running out of days !!

Off to Discovery Cove tomorrow, as you may know this was our holiday treat last year, the Bahamas cruise being this year's treat.

However, when we bought the combination ticket for Seaworld, Busch Gardens and Aquatica ....... to add Discovery cove was only a little extra, it seemed too good a bargain to miss......

Those of you who know me will understand !!!

Anyway another treat for us all, god we are going to come down with a big bump next week.....

We will update tomorrow night !

ET x

Sent from my iPad


  1. I agree a bargain can't be missed can it?!! Yes I am not looking forward to having to mention the word "homework" to Adam nor the word "school" to them both! Not wishing to damper your holiday but this time next week they will both be back in uniform! Anyway lots to do before then - enjoy the dolphins today! xx

  2. Sounds fab, your'll have to fill me in about Discovery Cove! Really love the sound of lots of steak!!! Definately fit in with my diet at the moment! Suddenly dawned on my, Discovery Cove is the swimming with Dolphins bit isn't it? Still lots of sleeps left before you have to start worrying about the getting back to relality! Jenny sends licks and wagging tails!

  3. Sounds like you are all having a fantastic holiday!! Golden Corral is our favourite all you can eat buffet restaurant - the steak is the best!! Have you been to Smokey Bones on Colonial Drive? Delicious BBQ menu!! Hope you had great time at Discovery Cove! Enjoy yourselves! Hayley xx
